About Bita Riazati: Psychoanalyst, Psychologist & Supervisor
Bita Riazati holds a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master's degree in Arts, complemented by psychoanalytic studies and over 17 years of work experience.
"Desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction, nor the demand for love, but the difference." Jacques Lacan
About Bita Riazati
My name is Bita Riazati and my journey into psychoanalysis began with the transformative experience of speaking to a psychoanalyst. I was captivated by how speech, through the effects of transference first articulated by Freud, enables a working-through of loss. Living in Australia, a geographically isolated yet culturally hybrid context, I became intrigued by how societal structures and family upbringing influence the individual and one's relationships across various domains, yet are driven by forces beyond the individual and their contexts. This reveals the split subject theorised by Jacques Lacan. His concept of the subject, as fragmented and shaped by the unconscious, subverts traditional notions of coherence and autonomy, highlighting where psychoanalysis diverges from other therapies. It offers hope for understanding the subject of the unconscious and what causes desire (objet petit a).
Psychoanalysis, for me, represents a departure from traditional deterministic models. It is instead a contemporary approach to understanding the human being as a speaking subject, engaging with the unknown dimension of symbolic language that constitutes the unconscious. Grounded in Lacan’s tripartite framework of the Imaginary, Symbolic, and Real, it challenges the pursuit of mastery and the prescriptive advice often provided by specialists. Instead, it creates a space for the unconscious desire of the speaking being to emerge, allowing the analysand to navigate forces that constrain them in analytic treatment.
My Psychoanalytic Training
Psychoanalytic training involves three key areas: personal analysis, clinical and theoretical studies, and supervision. I continue to engage with these through my affiliation with the International Forums of the Lacanian Field (IF-EPFCL) and through supervision with a Lacanian psychoanalyst from the school in Paris. I integrate these principles into my clinical practice in Australia, offering a nuanced treatment approach tailored to each person who comes to see me in Melbourne.
Social Media pages
I have social media platforms where I share topics of interest, as well as a separate writing blog. These are maintained independently from my clinic website and are unrelated to my clinical work.
Treatments Offered
- Psychoanalysis (Lacanian School)
- Psychoanalytic Therapy
- Psychotherapy
Additional Languages
My Qualifications
- MProfPsych
- BPsychSci(Hons)
- GradDipPsych
- MA(Communications)
- BMultimedia
- Psychoanalysis Studies, Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis
Other Services
5+1 pathway
Second Listening
Assessments and reports
Forensic, Psychiatric and Victims of Crime
Workshops and Seminars Contact Me
Book Appointment
Appointments are offered based on current openings, respecting the unique timing and readiness for each individual's work. You're welcome to contact Bita, and together, we can work out what may be troubling you.
Memberships and Affiliations
- Registered Psychologist & Psychology Board-Approved Supervisor
- Member of Australian Psychological Society (APS, MAPS)
- Member of Colorado Analytic Forum (School of the Lacanian Field)
- International Member of Lacan/UK
Studies, Desire & Experience
I completed my clinical training in Melbourne, having spent parts of my life in Europe and the Middle East. My professional journey spans schools, private practice, public health, and consultancy roles over many years. I obtained a Graduate Diploma and First Class Honours in psychology from the University of Melbourne and RMIT, completing a thesis on biomarkers of memory decline in Alzheimer’s disease in collaboration with the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. Additionally, I hold a Master of Arts from Swinburne University where I researched the historical and cultural factors influencing social change in Afghanistan. My clinical psychology registration was achieved through a Master’s program at the Cairnmillar Institute.
Desire & Formation
My desire has guided my clinical formation in psychoanalysis, leading me to pursue psychoanalytic studies with the Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis and undertake supervision with analysts and academics both locally and internationally. Becoming a psychoanalyst has required a serious commitment to rigorous personal analysis, ongoing clinical supervision, studies, seminars, and reading groups with other analysts of the International Forums based in Melbourne and other countries from Argentina, France, and the UK. My practice in Melbourne has encompassed diverse settings, including public health services, addiction clinics, primary schools working with children, and private practice, where I work with patients navigating complex and deeply troubling difficulties. Whether in private or group sessions, I aim to create a reflective space free of preconceived judgment, a principle I also uphold through my case supervision sessions with trainees.
Sharing my work through conferences has been a significant part of my professional engagement. I have presented papers on identity, ethics, culture, migration, and anxiety, topics that reflect my interest in the intersection of subjectivity and society. I believe our experiences are never isolated, and this broader perspective enriches my clinical work. My affiliation with professional communities such as Lacan/UK and the Colorado Analytic Forum allows me to continually learn and collaborate with others dedicated to advancing the clinical field of psychoanalysis.
Current Projects & Presentations
Current: Regularly presenting at the clinical seminars of LacanUK.
Currently leading psychoanalysis classes in Persian, focusing on Lacan's Écrits papers.
Penetrating Colonial Psychoanalysis (Panel: Colonialism and Identity)
Psychoanalysis and Psychosocial Studies Conference, London 2024
Lacanian Psychoanalytic Listening
4th Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Congress, Tehran 2023
What Can Psychoanalysis Learn from the Trans Subject?
Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis (ACP) Symposium, 2021
Human Beings Are Body Parts of One Another
ACP Symposium, 2019
A Persian Romance: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Leili and Majnun
ACP Symposium, 2018
A City's Tale
AP Symposium, 2018
Current Projects
Five Classes in Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Interested in joining? Request an interview by emailing ravankavi[at]pm.me